Can You Make Orange Juice in a Blender?

A glass of fresh, homemade orange juice is a treat full of sweet citrus flavor and vital nutrients like vitamin C. But is it possible to make orange juice at home without a fancy juicer? Can you use a regular blender to extract juice from oranges and enjoy flavorful homemade OJ? In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the question “can you make orange juice in a blender?” We’ll overview the benefits of homemade orange juice, examine whether a blender can effectively juice oranges, and provide tips for getting the most juice out of oranges using your blender. With some simple techniques, you can make nutrient-packed, delicious orange juice in your blender right at home. From choosing the right oranges to optimizing texture, let’s explore how to make fresh orange juice without a juicer.

The Benefits of Homemade Orange Juice

Homemade orange juice has many advantages over store-bought varieties:

  • More nutritious: Freshly extracted juice retains more vitamins like vitamin C and minerals which degrade over time after exposure to light, air, and heat.
  • Natural taste: No added preservatives, flavorings or sweeteners means homemade juice tastes fresher and truer to an orange flavor.
  • Control over ingredients: You can adjust sweetness and pulp levels to suit your preferences.
  • Lower costs: Making your own juice is cheaper than buying juice from the store.
  • Control over freshness: Homemade juice doesn’t sit in storage for weeks or months before you drink it.

Can a Blender Effectively Juice Oranges?

While blenders do an excellent job making smoothies, purees, and crushing ice, they aren’t designed to separate juice from pulp as effectively as juicers. Juicers use centrifugal force or a masticating action to squeeze every drop of liquid out of fruits and vegetables.

Blenders rely on fast-spinning blades to pulverize ingredients, leaving some pulp behind in the juice. However, with some adjustments, you can still use a blender to make fairly smooth orange juice. Here are some tips to maximize juice extraction:

  • Roll or soften oranges before juicing: This breaks down some of the pulp’s cell walls so the juice releases more easily.
  • Remove peel and pith: The bitter white pith under the orange peel contains very little juice or flavor.
  • Cut oranges into small chunks: More surface area exposed to the blades means more efficient juicing.
  • Use a high-powered blender: Models with 1000+ watts and sharp blades work best for juicing.
  • Strain the blended juice: Pouring through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth will remove excess pulp.
  • Juice in small batches: Don’t overfill the blender jar. Juice oranges in batches to allow thorough blending.
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Tips for Making Orange Juice in a Blender

Follow these tips to make smooth, pulp-free orange juice using your blender:

  1. Select ripe, fresh oranges with thin peels. Navel and Valencia’s oranges work well.
  2. Wash oranges thoroughly under running water. This removes dirt and surface pesticides.
  3. Peel oranges using a vegetable peeler or paring knife. Remove all of the white pith, which is bitter.
  4. Break peeled oranges into halves or quarters, discarding any seeds. This exposes more flesh for efficient juicing.
  5. Place orange pieces into the blender jar. Don’t pack it too full. Leave space for the fruit to move.
  6. Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup water. The extra liquid helps the blender extract more juice from the oranges.
  7. Blend on high speed until completely smooth, about 1-2 minutes.
  8. Pour blended orange juice through a fine mesh sieve or layered cheesecloth to remove excess pulp.
  9. Pour freshly made orange juice into an airtight container and refrigerate up to 3 days.

Tips for Adjusting Orange Juice Texture

  • For pulp-free juice, strain through a very fine sieve.
  • Leave some pulp by straining through a metal strainer.
  • Add more pulp by straining through cheesecloth or not straining at all.
  • Adjust the blender speed to high for a smoother texture.
  • Add more water for a thinner, lighter consistency.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is it better to juice oranges or blend them?

Juicers are designed to efficiently separate the juice from the pulp, leaving very little pulp in the juice. Blenders grind up and pulverize the whole fruit, so the juice contains more pulp. Juicing is better if you want a smooth texture. Blending is okay if you don’t mind some pulp. Using a blender and straining afterward removes excess pulp.

  1. Can I use a powerful blender like Vitamix to juice oranges?
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Yes, a high-speed blender like Vitamix can juice oranges when following the proper techniques. High speeds, sharp blades, and adding water help extract the maximum amount of juice from the orange pulp. Pouring through a strainer afterward also improves the texture.

  1. Is it safe to juice oranges with the peel?

No, orange peel is too tough for most blenders or juicers to break down. The outer layer of the peel contains volatile oils that impart a bitter taste. Use a vegetable peeler or paring knife to remove the outer peel and white pith before juicing oranges.

  1. How long does fresh orange juice last in the fridge?

Orange juice made from fresh oranges will stay good for 2-3 days when stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. To retain nutrients and flavor for longer, juice oranges as needed or freeze excess juice in ice cube trays.


Making orange juice at home lets you control the flavor and texture while getting more vitamins and antioxidants than store-bought juice. With some simple techniques, it is possible to make fresh orange juice in a blender. While juicers are ideal, blenders can also extract juice from oranges when you peel them first, cut them into small pieces, add water, and strain the pulp. Adjust the quantity of pulp by changing strainers. Drink homemade orange juice within a few days and enjoy all the bright, refreshing flavors.

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