How to Get the Most Juice from Oranges Using a Juicer?

Juicing oranges is a great way to get fresh, nutritious orange juice bursting with vitamin C and antioxidants. With the right techniques and equipment, you can maximize the amount of juice you extract from oranges. This guide will walk you through the entire process, from selecting the best oranges to cleaning up after juicing. Follow these simple steps to enjoy glasses of sweet, tangy orange juice using a juicer.

Selecting the Best Oranges for Juicing

Not all oranges are created equal when it comes to juicing. Follow these tips to pick oranges that will produce the most juice:

  • Choose juicing oranges – Varieties like Valencia, Navel, and Jaffa are ideal for juicing as they have thin skins and contain less bitter pith. Avoid thick-skinned oranges like blood oranges.
  • Pick fully ripe, heavy oranges – Oranges that feel heavy for their size will have higher juice content. Avoid lightweight or spongy oranges.
  • Inspect the skin – Choose oranges with smooth, finely-grained skin free of blemishes or soft spots. Rough skin indicates the oranges are older.
  • Buy oranges in season – In the US, peak orange season is December through April. Oranges produce more juice when in season.

Assembling the Juicer

Citrus juicers come in manual and electric models. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to properly assemble your specific juicer. In general:

  • Place a pitcher or other container under the juice spout to collect the juice.
  • Ensure all parts are clean before assembling.
  • Twist on or lock into place the reamer over the juice spout. The reamer has ridges that squeeze out the juice.
  • Attach any containers or lids needed to hold discarded rinds, seeds, and pith.
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Cutting Oranges for Juicing

Proper cutting is crucial to maximize juice extraction:

  • Wash all oranges thoroughly under running water to remove dirt and surface bacteria. Dry with a clean towel.
  • Trim off any stem ends using a paring knife. Remove any sticky residue or labels as well.
  • Cut the orange in half lengthwise from pole to pole. This exposes more juice sacs than an equatorial cut.
  • Slice each half into 3-4 wedges depending on the orange’s size. More wedges means more exposed juice sacs.
  • Pick out any seeds you come across while slicing. Seeds can cause a bitter taste.
Juicing the Orange
Juicing the Orange

Juicing the Orange Wedges

Now it’s time to juice those wedges and get that fresh, flavorful orange juice!

  • Place a wedge cut-side down over the reamer and juicer cone. Apply light pressure and rotate back and forth.
  • Continue juicing wedges one by one until you’ve juiced them all. Rotate the reamer in the same direction each time for best results.
  • Press hard at the end to squeeze out any remaining juice from the pulp. Avoid pressing too hard early on as this can cause a bitter taste.
  • Stir or shake the juice in between oranges to incorporate the separated layers of juice and foam for the best flavor.
  • Remove any pits or pulp from the juice if desired using a fine mesh strainer.

Tips for Maximizing Juice Extraction

Follow these pro tips to get every last drop of juice out of your oranges:

  • Juice oranges at room temperature. Chilled oranges tend to yield less juice.
  • Roll each orange wedge back and forth on the counter before juicing to break down membranes.
  • Soak the orange wedges in hot water for 5 minutes to soften before juicing.
  • Place a cup or mug over the reamer while pressing to apply extra pressure.
  • Wrap peeled, segmented oranges tightly and freeze overnight before thawing and juicing.
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Cleaning and Storing Your Juicer

Proper cleaning and storage will keep your juicer in top condition:

  • Disassemble the juicer completely and rinse all parts in hot, soapy water.
  • Scrub the reamer with a brush to remove residue. Avoid abrasive scouring pads.
  • Sanitize all parts by boiling for 5-10 minutes or soaking in a 50/50 vinegar and water solution.
  • Allow parts to air dry completely before reassembling or storing to prevent mold growth.
  • Reassemble the juicer and store it in a clean, dry place out of direct sunlight.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much juice should I expect to get from an orange?

On average, you can expect to yield between 3-4 oz of juice from a medium orange. Valencia oranges tend to produce the highest juice content.

Can I store fresh orange juice?

Yes, for 2-3 days. To minimize nutrient loss, store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Is juicing oranges better than eating whole oranges?

While both are healthy, juicing removes the beneficial fiber. Eat whole oranges in addition to drinking the juice to get the full nutritional benefits.

What’s the best juicer for oranges?

Citrus juicers with ridged conical reamers work best to extract juice from oranges. Electric or manual juicers will both do the job effectively.


With these simple steps for maximizing juice yield from oranges, you’ll be ready to start enjoying fresh, homemade orange juice anytime. Paying attention to details like orange variety, ripening, and juicing techniques can help you get the most out of your oranges. Drinking freshly squeezed juice provides a boost of vitamin C and antioxidants first thing in the morning or anytime you need a refreshing pick-me-up.

Meta description: Learn how to select the best oranges and use a juicer to extract the maximum amount of nutritious, delicious orange juice. This in-depth guide covers juicer preparation, optimal orange-cutting techniques, juicing steps, and more.

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