Do Blenders Destroy Nutrients: What the Research Says

Frequently Asked Questions

Does blending destroy fiber?

Blending does not destroy the fiber in produce, but it does break it down into smaller particles. You still get the benefits of fiber for digestion and heart health, but blended drinks won’t be quite as filling.

Is it better to blend or juice vegetables?

Juicing removes all fiber, resulting in some vitamin loss but also very quick nutrient absorption. Blending keeps the fiber, retaining more vitamins but possibly blunting absorption. Overall both methods retain most nutrients, so choose based on your needs.

Should you blend fruits and vegetables together?

Yes, blending fruits and veggies together is fine. Getting a mix of produce ensures you get a wider range of important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Is blending produce better than cooking it?

Cooking often destroys more nutrients than blending due to higher heat exposure. However, light steaming or sautéing can help make some nutrients easier to absorb. Enjoying both raw blended and cooked produce is recommended.

Does blending destroy enzymes?

Some enzymes may degrade during blending due to oxidation. But the body produces its own enzymes for digestion, so while blended enzyme content may be lower, the enzymes you need won’t be destroyed.

Should you peel fruits and vegetables before blending?

Most peels contain beneficial nutrients and fiber, so wash produce well but leave peels on when blending for the most nutrients. Exceptions are produced like pineapples, mangoes, avocados, and citrus fruits where peels are hard to digest.

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Blenders are an extremely useful kitchen tool for increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables while also retaining most of their beneficial nutrients.

By maximizing the quality of your ingredients and following proper blending techniques, you can ensure your smoothies and juices will provide your body with a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants to support your health.

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